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Meet The Little Beastie!

We have been long-term fans of Kate of The Little Beasties - with her signature colourful style and adorably cute little family so you can image our excitement to announce her as the newest member of the Jumbled Art Collective! We're so thrilled to launch her first collection with us, which is available to shop now - but be quick, they will NOT last!

Kate, we are SO excited to welcome you to the Jumbled Art Collective! Tell us about how/when your love of art started: "Art is something I've always loved and always done on the side but I suppose I've never felt confident enough to take it further, so I'm literally suuuuuuper excited to feel like I have the ball rolling at the moment!"

Tell us a bit about where you live, your little family and how you make the dream work with kids. "I grew up on the Mornington Peninsula so now raising my babes here is a dream! We make it work - kids come first always, so some days I have time to do absolutely nothing and other days they're dreamboats and I get so much done. They're only little for so long so I make sure my time at home with them counts."

How are you feeling to be joining the Jumbled Art Collective? "Oh I'm so excited! I adore the Jumbled team and am so flattered you wanted to take on my work with such impressive list of talents under your belt."

Where do you draw inspo? "Every day colour! Just the things around me, around my house, the things we bring home from our walks. I will pick out colour combinations from most things and bank them to remember later."

What's been the best thing to happen in your career so far? "It's a tricky one, I feel so lucky to be given lots of amazing opportunities due to the fact that I'm in the interior industry. We recent had an Apartment Therapy home tour featured on their blog which was definitely a 'pinch-me' moment.

When are you at your happiest? "When I'm at home! In my comfy clothes, drinking coffee, playing with my kids, records playing in the background- I'm definitely a homebody."

What is something not many people know about you? "I don't drive! Something my friends know but most people wouldn't assume... I'm 31 and I've never had a drivers license!"

What exciting things do you have planned for 2019 - what can we look forward to next? "Who knows! I'm always changing my loves and skill sets, always taking new things on. I am feeling a real pull towards pottery so we will see what I come up with next!

The Jumbled Quickie
• The first thing you do when you have spare time: Coffee!
• Guilty pleasure: Big Macs, soz vegetarians
• Dream Collaboration: Ooooohhh possibly a linen label?
• Hidden Talent: You should see me dance!
• One thing from your bucket list: Disneyland with the kids
• Favourite Spotify Playlist: 70's folk
• Go-to meal to cook when you have friends over?: TACOS ALWAYS
• Craziest thing you've ever done? Birthed a human
• Last book you read: Green eggs and ham
• Current Netflix addiction: We are re-watching friends from the start
• Song that gets you on the dancefloor: anything MJ ✨

Shop The Little Beasties at Jumbled now!

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