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Our Confetti Rebels Collab!

We first stumbled across Amy from Confetti Rebels after a video of her dancing around her living room went viral. As we peeled back the layers, we discovered an amazing brand - hello sweary tees and sweaters (!!), and an even more amazing human who is cool as hell, stands up for what she believes in and does a hell of a lot of good for some amazing charities. 

It soon became obvious that we needed to collaborate with Amy and we are SO CRAZY EXCITED to announce our brand new and exclusive collection of tees has finally arrived! To celebrate, we chatted with Amy about life, career and the mum juggle! Sit down and strap yourself in - this interview is a total cracker! 

Amy, we have such a crush on you - tell us about yourself and your background? "I am 35, a mother (but don't let that define me!) and really felt like the life I was meant to live only started last year. Weird huh? I love sweet food, dancing (obviously) and hanging out with family and mates. I have a sickening passion for craft that stems back from days of having to entertain myself while my parents worked at my dads hair salon. Employment wise, I have been so lucky to have worked in so many cool places that have given me the tools to be who I am today. One includes a radio station where I met a heap of my favourite bands and artists (including Usher) hahah. I used to run around taking photos of them and uploading onto social media (which was just getting big back then)."

What made you start Confetti Rebels? "I actually used to wholesale greeting cards to retail shops but it kind of fizzled out when my second baby was born. I went into a MASSIVE slump and felt so lost. I tried about 3 different business avenues before Confetti Rebels. One day, my best friend put the idea of me starting an apparel business to motivate women who have been through what I have in the past (losing both my parents to cancer, suffering from PND and body issues). She basically said "Why don't you put what your slogans say onto t-shirts instead of cards?" and I thought, "Why the hell not!?" I still owe her a lifetime of t-shirts as a thank you!"

How do you decide what slogans or words will make the final cut - do you have a specific customer in mind when you create each piece? "What you see in my store is only 30% of what actually makes it to print. I need to take my target market into account, what slogans are relevant to the moment and what I think will sell. I do want this to be a thriving business, so if I put swear words on all my tees, my market might be a little minimised. I try to design a tee every month that I can donate 10% from ever shirt to a charity. One day I would like to launch more than 2 tees a month, but as the business is still in it's infancy, I need to put my business hat on and pace myself!"

You've gained a bit of a cult following; what is it about your Insta page/brand that people love the most do you think? "Every day I wake to 10-20 DM's on instagram about how my tees and my account make people feel good about themselves. I feel teary thinking about it. I never thought of myself having that much of an impact on someones feelings but that stems back to years of self doubt and no motivation to thrive in my own skin. Only recently I have started to have a no BS attitude and if you don't like it, well, you know the slogan! I feel many people can relate, some women have had PND, some women have/had body issues and some have lost people close to them too. I don't have it all together, and I'm happy to be honest and share that. My mum always called me an attention seeker, and I'll happily own it. Someone's gotta do it!"

'Shake your tits' Friday is pretty much the highlight of our week - we're you nervous launching your first video? "It all started when my husband took the kids out one Sunday morning and I was doing the housework and a tune dropped and I started dancing, I thought I'd send it to him to show him how much fun I was having without them, but instead I popped it on instagram. It was a hit! In case you're looking for it, it was back in June 2018 and involved a stuffed tiger. I WISH I COULD DO THEM EVERY WEEK! But good ol' Instagram music rights get in the way and I actually upload a few as they get taken down. Apparently I'm red flagged now! Hahah!"

You're not only a clever person, you're also a generous one; can you tell us a bit about the charity/ies you support? "Sadly still being a small business I can't donate a HUGE amount of money as I need to keep the business afloat, but I do try to donate as much as I can from a specific tee range. This coming October I am launching a very beautiful and heartfelt tee for National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. I am going to donate $10 from every tee sale to a charity in need. That's a whopping amount from my profits, but I'm okay with that if it means it's going to help a mother with the resources for support."

We love that you're all about empowering women and helping them to love the skin you're in; what are your top 3 tips for self-love? "1. Honestly, I live off the motto "You only have ONE body, so love it" oh, and the "IDGAF" attitude comes in a close second. If someone has something negative to say about your body, that's their problem, not yours.

2. Don't punish yourself, enjoy the small things, eat that cake, go for a walk, drink that wine, have that healthy smoothie, life is full of contradictions, so apply that to your daily habits too! It's all about balance.

3. Take time for yourself! If you're a mum that doesn't work. Put your kid in daycare anyway, go to the movies, have a spa date, go sit and read a book at the beach. Trust me, it'll all be there waiting for you at home anyway. Just take time for yourself, I never really did this until I suffered PND, and if I didn't start a self care regime, then I don't think I'd be of sound mind. For the record "self care" doesn't mean beautifying yourself, it can mean anything, quite the opposite actually, like sitting around in your PJ's smelling like last night's Indian curry because it tasted so good!"

Tell us about your kids and your juggle with #mumlyfe/running a successful biz? "Oh gosh! I struggle! I have a son in school (which the days go WAY TOO FAST), and my daughter is in daycare three days. Funnily enough I don't work much on the days I have no kids as that time is sacred! But routine helps, and having an amazing partner does too. My husband is a bit of a workaholic so when the kids go to bed we sit on the couch romantically with our laptops. But it works and we're happy. The business takes up about 60% of my day, which sounds like a lot but I love it! And I don't think i'll change that ratio until I start disliking it, which I doubt will ever happen."

What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you? "When I worked for an agency that had XBOX as a client, I was asked (because of my mad dance skills) to get on stage with MC HAMMER (YES YOU READ RIGHT) to help promote their latest singing/dancing game. Well, it started off okay, I did what I was told, and MC was impressed with my dancing so much he hugged me at the end and I DID NOT LET GO... The security guards had to pry me off him. AWKWARD AF..."

How is your new roller-skating obsession coming along? "Yeah, nah. About a month ago I went out skating by myself, I fell over onto my thigh, cried in the middle of the public walkway and threw them in the back of the car. I'm sure they're still in there growing mould." 

What is next for Confetti Rebels? "BIG!! I'm hoping to grow my Instagram following because that's where all my engagement is at, and of course producing more and more tees and COLLABS! I want to collaborate with more strong amazing businesses and women. Emmy Lou is on my list, Taryn Brumfitt and the cream of the crop BUSY PHILIPPS!! (as if Amy!) But honestly, I'm loving the organic growth my little business has and I would love to host more workshops, women get-to-gethers and meet more amazing gals!"

Well we're super excited to be a part of the next collaboration with you Amy - how about you!? "Over the bloody moon! When I got the email from you guys, firstly I cracked open the champagne, and THEN I wrote back to say HELLA YEAH"

To order one of our amazing new Confetti Rebels x Jumbled tees, click here!

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