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30% OFF Summer Fashion SALE has started!

Natalie Jade

Natalie Jade is one of those amazing artists that just keeps on delivering the goods, week after week! Her stunning intuitive art and colour combinations mean they never last long in store, and we chatted with her recently to find out more about life, art and discovering her heritage.
Natalie, you clever woman! Tell us about your love of art "I have always painted or drawn since I was very young and many of my family painted (or continue to paint) as well! I remember mum painting the gumnut babies on gum leaves that hung in the kitchen! While my year 12 studio arts teacher really tried to push me to study fine arts at uni, I refused because I had seen my sister go through art school and still struggle to make ends met at the end of it. If I could go back now I definitely would have taken her advice because as it turns out, being an artist is all I want to be (apart from being a mum) and is really all I could possible survive being (I value freedom so much and literally can not stand the 9-5 hustle)."
We'd love to hear more about your aboriginal heritage, how does this influence your art? "I found out about my aboriginal heritage in my early 20's and it was kinda part of a missing puzzle on my identity crisis journey. My art naturally has an Aboriginal feel to it - I fell in love with the style years ago at a huge exhibition in Sorrento. I really wanted to paint Aboriginal art but because I was never passed down dream-time stories from my family, I wasn't allowed to paint it. After 5 years I finally connected with some amazing Aboriginal elders in the community and was granted permission. I'm still finding my way but I hope to further discover myself as a Aboriginal artist and find my unique style within that genre in the near future."
You're a mum to two beautiful kids, how do you manage the juggle? "Being a full time mum to an 18month old and 8 year old while trying to run a business as an artist is definitely not easy. My eldest Leo has high needs which is challenging but I find time to paint while he is at school and Ayla is napping. I wish I could be a night painter and stay up after the kids are in bed (which I sometimes do) but most of the time I just cark it and fall asleep!"
What's been the best thing to happen in your career so far? "Being snapped up by Greenhouse Interiors and having you guys love my artwork enough to sell in your store has definitely been a highlight!"
When are you at your happiest? "I'm the happiest in nature at the beach or going on bush walks."
Where do you draw inspiration? "I draw my inspiration from nature but I often also just like to let the colour and paint create itself."
We're so excited to see where this year takes you, what's next for your career? "I will be focusing more on large original artworks this year and just finding myself as a aboriginal artist and my unique style."
Jumbled Quickie
Guilty Pleasure: Black Forest Chocolate
Dream Collab: This is pretty much a dream!
Hidden Talent: I like to think I can sing
One thing from your bucket list: Travel Australia
Spotify Playlist: Xavier Rudd or Jack Johnson
Go to meal when friends come over: Take away, I really hate cooking!
Craziest thing you've done: Hitch hicking as a teenager
Last book you read: Growing up aboriginal in Australia
Netflix addiction: I don't really get time for tv for myself but the kids and I are pretty obsessed with small foot and Moana at the moment.
Song that gets you on the dance floor: Gee that's definitely been a long time! Anything RnB or the Nutbush.
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