The Summer Fashion SALE just got even better - shop 40% OFF now!

The Summer Fashion SALE just got even better - shop 40% OFF now!


It's not exactly news that we are head over heels for Kip & Co! Naturally we were super excited for this season's collection but the announcement of their first ever ART SERIES had us all a buzz! We would have loved to have seen the hundreds of entrants, but gosh it would have been so hard to pick!! The winning beanbags are even cooler than anything we could have dreamed, and we're totally bickering over which one is our favourite! 

Seriously!? How do you even choose? 


Rawaan's design is super fun and we love trawling over all the tiny little illustrations - you find something new every time! Inspired by your childhood sticker collection, this beanbag is definitely a nod to the good old days.


Mr Smudge's bold graphic line drawings are minimalist but add interest and personality. Inspired by the character's of his coastal community, each face has it's own story. This is definitely a good one for both big people and little people, and is super easy to style! 


Letitia Green

Letitia's design is insanely bright, which is exactly what we love! A chaotic clash between African tribal prints and uplifting colours - it's not for the faint hearted! 


Devinder's beanbag is crisp, clean and a perfect match to any space. The rough line drawings give a feeling of texture, and consists of random line drawings stitched into a pattern. 

So what are you waiting for? This is an extremely exclusive series and we only have a handful of beanbags left! You really don't want to miss out on these super cool designs - grab your favourite beanbag online here.

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