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The Summer Fashion SALE just got even better - shop 40% OFF now!

Welcome... Kyah Wilson!

We are thrilled to welcome Kyah Wilson to the Jumbled gang! She is the super clever artist who created our latest piece to arrive in store "The Quirky Cow". Not only is she ultra talented, but she is also a total gem! We look forward to getting many more of her pieces in store for you all, but in the meantime here is a little bit about the woman behind our moo cow!

How did you get into painting?

I studied Fine Arts after school and also started a degree in Art Education, however made the decision to travel, marry and have children in lieu of completing it. When my youngest (of five children) started school this year, I found the time to focus on my career as an Artist. The feedback from my art has been extremely encouraging and I have been painting continuously for almost a year and I’ve been invited to show in several exhibitions.

What inspires you?

My new (old) house and studio overlooks the plains of the Macquarie River in Dubbo, NSW. I have 12 inquisitive steers who surround my studio in our back paddock. I watch amazing sunsets from there whilst my boys ride motorbikes and four wheelers amongst the cows. We walk the dogs down the river and often have fires. Therefore, I am constantly inspired by my home environment. We are also renovating, hence I pour through home magazines, Houzz, Instagram and Pinterest.

Describe your perfect day

My perfect day would start with exercise (which is very sporadic these days) and it would have to be summer at the beach with my family, listening to great music whilst reading home magazines. This would be followed by an early seafood dinner and drinks at a fabulous restaurant with some crazy friends.

What is your style at home?

I would describe my style as eclectic. I do love rustic and vintage wares along with pops of accent colour with accessories and art. I like being interchangeable and have a tendency to paint furniture and reupholster chairs!

What is your perfect colour combination?

This week it is a “velvety” green, navy and pink.

What is on your wish list?

My wish list is way too long. I would love a few (or a lot) of new pieces of furniture and joinery to fill our house. I would also love a vintage Turkish rug and vintage pendants above my kitchen bench. A new vibrant blue grand front door would be nice also.

You also teach art. What is the most important piece of wisdom you could pass onto aspiring artists?

Considering I have had such an intense and successful start to my career I have had to learn things quickly. Experimentation is the key. Experiment with different styles, subjects and mediums. Always use quality products and don’t be scared to make mistakes. If you are dissatisfied with your results paint over them until you love it. Art is entirely subjective, no one else has to love it, just you.

Kyah's The Quirky Cow is now for sale in store, and online.


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