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The Summer Fashion SALE just got even better - shop 40% OFF now!

Mad about Mexsii

We are so super excited to welcome one of the coolest new brands... Mexsii bedheads!

These amazing bedheads are made in Australia, using original designs, by Melbourne ladies Merryn & Sarah. Printed onto 100% linen, these handcrafted beauties are a true work of art! We can't wait for them to arrive in store!

We were lucky enough to catch up with Merryn & Sarah, to find out more about their inspiration.

What does a typical work day look like?
No two days are the same at Mexsii which keeps us both on our toes :)
Sarah - I am checking emails and keeping up to date with our social media at 6am before an early morning yoga session. Then Merryn and I have a daily morning meeting to go through our objectives for the day and see where the other is at with our never ending list of things to do.After our meeting it always seems there is more things added than crossed off haha! I usually have a couple of external meetings and then focus on working through my to do list which involves marketing and brand management. 
Merryn - I start the day with some positive visualisation and meditation before our morning meeting. I split my work hours between the workshop building our bed heads and creating concepts for the designs of future collections.
How did you find the inspiration to start your business?
Merryn - After working in upholstery for some time, I began to grow tired and frustrated of creating the same style bed heads in the same fabric over and over again. I set out to create something very different for my own room, I wanted something that would be a feature and be bright and colourful. I then had a light bulb moment to combine art with bed heads and after sharing my idea with a few close friends and seeing how enthused they were I thought I could turn this idea into a business venture.The funny thing is, I never ended up making a bed head just for my room, instead Mexsii was born! 
What is it like to work with a close friend?
Sarah - It's fantastic! We both have such great ideas and are usually on the same page with our big plans and goals. In saying that we still disagree from time to time, however have now developed a sister like relationship whereby we can easily forgive and make up. We spend so much time together that we often find ourselves finishing each other sentences! 
What are your favourite colour combinations?
Sarah - I'm really loving peach and nude with copper accents
Merryn - I'm obsessed with deep moody palettes on a clean crisp background,  like using charcoal and plum against a clean white textured wall 

If you could drop everything for a day, how would you spend it?
Sarah - I would do yoga in the morning, followed by a long lazy brunch with friends, spend some time at the park with my partner Mark and our dog Summer and somewhere in there squeeze in a dip in the ocean!

Merryn - My day would definitely be all about soaking up the sunshine with my partner and our close friends, preferably somewhere in nature, followed by spending the late afternoon relaxing in a cosy nook with which ever biography I have been desperately trying to make time to read.
We cannot wait for these amazing bedheads to arrive in store! They're also available on our online store, head on over to check them out now!
Pop in store and let us know what you think! Have a lovely day.
x Jumbled 
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