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The Summer Fashion SALE just got even better - shop 40% OFF now!

Wedding Registry

A JUMBLED wedding gift registry is perfect for that couple who loves something a little out of the ordinary! Handmade dinnerware, lush linens and seriously amazing artwork on your list? Well this is the place for you! 

Whether it's just one really outstanding artwork, or the whole kit and caboodle, why not select something that will commemorate your wedding and kick start your marriage with something truly unique?

Simply, the beauty of a JUMBLED gift registry is that we offer a personalised and flexible service. We can work around your particular needs ensuring that it is a simple and enjoyable process for both you and your guests. However large or small your registry, we're here to help! 

Your guests can purchase gifts online, in store or on the phone. They can also select to purchase gift vouchers to put towards larger furniture and art pieces. It's really fun and super easy! 

Gift wrapping and delivery service available nationwide.

For information please don't hesitate to visit us in store, or get in touch! 

The Sonic

33-35 Sale Street
Orange NSW 2800

Phone: 02 6361 4447 or email:

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