The Summer Fashion SALE just got even better - shop 40% OFF now!

The Summer Fashion SALE just got even better - shop 40% OFF now!

Liam Murphy

This collection of paintings came about in the depths of a cold wet winter in beautiful Port Fairy.  Think sideways rain, grey skies and heavy seas and you’ll get the picture.  As much as I love rugging up, lighting the fire, making some soup and braving the elements to walk Queenie the wonder-dog on the beach, I find myself getting a bit over it all at times.  It’s so cold, so wet, so dark. I find that painting is a great remedy for these feelings; pop some tunes on, get the pink paint out and you could be anywhere!  

So Larger Half is all about finding the fun, bright, shiny things in amongst all the grey and gloom.  Plus who doesn’t love a great oxymoron?!  - Liam Murphy

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